Summer Camp Announcement

Madison County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff David Harper

(850) 973-4151 – Administration
2364 US-90 Madison, Florida 32340

Madison County Jail
Bea Livingston, Jail Administrator
(850) 973-4002 – Phone
823 SW Pinckney Street,
Madison, Florida 32340

Madison County Communications/EMS
(850) 973-4001 ext 1 – Communications
911 – Emergency
1314 West Base Street
Madison, Florida 32340


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Summer Camp Annoucement

The Madison County Sheriff’s Office holds an Annual Youth Adventure Camp every Summer.  The camp usually runs for 3 consecutive days. The hours of the camp are usually from 8:00 AM until 5:30 PM every day but may vary. The drop-off and pick-up location will be announced before the camp.

As always, the vision for the Summer Camp is to share a sense of adventure with boys and girls between the ages of 8-17. Madison County Sheriff’s Office Personnel will facilitate and instruct during the camp sessions.  There will also be other State and Local Agency participation. 

The camp will include faith based mini-leadership training sessions that encourage teamwork, structure, love, and discipline.  We are offering the camp to local kids who want to experience an array of different activities which will include swimming, kayaking, fishing, defensive tactics, confidence building courses, archery, firearms safety and marksmanship, emergency preparedness and other life skills.  We will also have demonstrations and hands on teaching by our Sheriff’s Office and local Public Safety Partners which will include K9 demonstrations and tracking, fire safety, wildlife familiarization and management.

The camp is free to participants and is funded in part through the Sheriff’s Office Charities, private and business donations.  Anyone wishing to donate to the camp please contact Tammy Olive at the Madison County Sheriff’s Office.

The registration period for the camp will be announced on our Facebook Page as well as the in our local paper THE CARRIER.  The registration will require you coming to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office located at 2364 W US 90, so that we can get the proper information on your child.  Please understand that we are limited to the first fifty children that register.

Parents or guardians wishing to inquire about the camp or other information please contact Tammy Olive at the Madison County Sheriff’s Office at 850-973-4151.




David Harper
Sheriff of Madison County


David Harper, Sheriff
Kim Washington, Executive Assistant
Freda Fiffia, Administrative Assistant
2364 US-90 Madison, Florida 32340
Non-Emergency: (850) 973-4001, ext 1
Administration Line:
(850) 973-4151
Emergency: 911
Email: [email protected]

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